Saturday, December 17, 2011

E-book Readers

There are two kinds of people, in my opinion, who read - those who love books and those who love to read.
The first like the romance of books. They like to hold and caress them. They usually tend to read the same books over. Or the same writer. The same style.
The latter just like to read. They will read a cereal box if it is around.  They devour words. In any form. It could be paper. It could be electronic. As long as it is available to read.
When I tell people I read on my phone, they ask me "how" or "why". And why they think they never will - how they are not really books. I try to convince them - "It's easy to carry".  "So many books at your fingertips". "Always available". "No need to get up to turn off the lights". And they are still skeptical.
You just need to give it a shot. My mum did. And she is hooked :-)

Friday, December 09, 2011

Ringing in the Dirty Thirties

This was initially a Facebook status message - when I re-read it, I realised, there was so sooo much more to say, so I decided to expand on it.
Watta year 29 has been - I got to do sooo many things.
I visited places I never thought I would, took my first steps on the American continent and earlier than I ever thought I would. I do not regret it one bit. May be just ever so slightly - I got screwed over at work. But they sent me there, so it kinda balances off. And it led to so many firsts.
I met old friends for the first time. We weren't just co-workers - we were friends. And i am grateful I got to meet them. I made new friends - people I never thought i would know. Learnt more about people I already did.
I caught snow on my tongue. Made a snow angel. Heard the first (and only reasonable) explanation about why dogs need clothes/shoes. Tried my hand at ice skating (almost dislocated my leg and had to be carried out of the rink. Then I went back in).
Got a tattoo (shoulder-to-shoulder) on the spur of the moment. It took about 5-6 hours to complete, so I was done by about 3 am-ish and had a million hour flight that evening - all the way from Montreal to Bangalore. In economy. And what a beauty she is!
I went to Italy. I've been wanting to go there for sooo long. I fell in love with Barcelona on the way - the colors!!! It's like a fairytale. And I rode in a sidecar :-).
I stood in the Sistine Chapel. Spent the shortest amount of time to do justice in Venice. Liked Florence better than Rome. Sigh! Plus I have some awesome friends there. :-)
I am so going back!
I got my most expensive phone yet, bought my most expensive shoes ever (and got two more pairs for my birthday).
I caught Metallica in concert IN Bangalore. I also caught Bon Jovi. In Barcelona. In the Olympic stadium. And saw the sun set at 9pm.
I did a bunch of random things this year. Bought random books. Got a 10 year US visa. Took a month off. Got red shoes (2 pairs). And yellow ones.
I can see why it can only go downhill from here.

If I'm cursed to live long (and God knows my family is blessed with that curse), I hope I see more years like this :D

Monday, April 04, 2011

Am I hooked?

So two days before I leave Montreal, I hear about this girl that does tattoos. I gave it little thought and went for it on a whim. It was completely different from the last one I got - it hurt more, took longer and this time I really liked the artist. The last may have been the reason I went for it at all. I totally <3 my new tat!

I remember when I got the first one. I drew it. It made me smile sooo much, I couldn't wait for the next. It took me a couple of years though to find the right art.

This time I'm not dying for the next already. Let's see when it happens. I've always dreamed of being covered in art someday.

I've been told tattoos are addictive. Am I hooked yet? Hmmm....